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Reflex Adult Cat Food Chicken And Rice 15 Kg

Product Code: 1283365
  • $53.13

Tags: Reflex, Adult, Cat, Food, Chicken, And, Rice, 15, Kg

the chicken meat dry dog food suitable for feeding Adult cats. 1 is suitable for the feeding of adult cats of all breeds and ages. The food that is prepared with chicken is a source of quality protein for your cat. Your cat will love flavors that dry dog food that will meet the needs of all of its nutrients reflex content. Vitamin and mineral in a balanced proportion that owns the resource supports the food your cat to live a quality life. It will strengthen your cat's immune system formula features in the content of food. In this way, it gains resistance against diseases your pet friend, and will have a strong constitution. Contains plant extracts which helps to regulate your cat's digestive health, which is easily digestible. Working in the digestive system in a healthy way will benefit fully from the diet do not experience weight problems and your cat both. Also the development of the sense of sight, it has taurine to support heart and brain health food. Food groups also helps support your cat's coat and skin health vitamin A is included in the content.

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